

“Hey, wiener! Hey weiner man, your wiener’s drooping. You need to get up and play ball today - it's the only way you can get that wiener of yours out of hibernation!” “嘿,惠威(注:wieners是香肠、热狗的俗称)!嘿,惠威先生,你的惠威棒掉了。今天你需要站起来玩球了——这是让你的惠威棒重获新生唯一的办法哦!”【注:这个笑话的梗来源于一个叫Wie is de Wiener(谁是惠威)的荷兰搞笑节目】 其实这只是一个简单的笑话啦~但是这里面有关于“get wiener”的句子却是比较地道的美国口语,并且常用来开玩笑。(当然,这句话也可以用来严肃交谈,不过那样的话听起来就有点奇怪了)。而这个短语的意思其实就是指“犯了个蠢;做了个傻事”。举个栗子啦~

1. It was so hot in here I felt like getting a wiener. 这个房间太热了,我感觉我要犯傻了。

2. Don't be such a wiener about the new rule. 新规则没那么吓人,别像个傻子一样。

3. Stop being such a wiener on social media-people are just joking with you. 在社交媒体上别像笨蛋一样——人们只是跟你开了个玩笑而已。(这句里面wiener后边跟了一个介词短语,这种形式也是常见的)

4. Don't be an idiot! You'll never win her back that way. 别犯傻!你永远不会以那样的方式赢得她的心。 (这里idiot后面跟的是that从句,可以换成其它的名词或代词充当句子主语,意思不变)

5. What were you thinking when you got fired for coming in late? 你迟到了被解雇时脑子进了水吗? (这里thinking表示“认为”的意思,所以前半句可以理解为“你进迟到的时候认为....”)

6. He must have been having a wiener because he hasn't responded to any emails from us. 他肯定是在装傻因为他没有回复我们发来的任何邮件。(这里的having意为“处于...状态中”)

7. Get a grip[ˈɡɔːgrip] 紧握;抓紧。这个短语也可以替换成take hold/take grip of。举个例子~

8. Are you going to let go or do you want to take grip of my hair again? 你是要放手还是要再次抓住我的头发?

9. She will not take a grip of this until she has read it through carefully. 她不会抓住这根线直到她把文字读一遍。
