

其实牙齿对于狗来说,就是啃啃骨头啊,吃吃饭之类的。 不过要是想漂亮一些的话,可以去掉呀!我见过的有去掉的……但不知道是牙科手术还是什么其他手段……

在《dog lovers' dictionary》这本书里有提到关于牙齿去除的说法哦~摘抄如下 -----The dogs teeth can be extracted by a veterinary surgeon using local anaesthesia. The process is simple but uncomfortable for the dog, and requires sedation to make it more bearable. Most vets recommend this only when the teeth are so far advanced that they are causing serious damage or discomfort, though some will remove any tooth which looks likely to cause problems (for example, due to overgrowing gums) if asked to do so. There are no special precautions needed in breeding with removed teeth; there would be nothing to stop a breeder removing them from all of their stock except those destined to become show dogs. This practice is not uncommon——in fact, many breeds have been selected with the removal of teeth as standard。 I think most people who choose to remove these teeth for aesthetic reasons probably believe that it will also benefit their dog’s wellbeing overall; perhaps even more important than looking good!

Dogs like Chows, Dobermans and Rottweilers were selected specifically because of their toothless appearance, while in other cases, such as with Pugs, the characteristic stumped muzzle developed naturally through breeding. In either case, breeders usually prefer the stumped look on both sexes. However, there may well come a time when having complete sets of teeth becomes desirable again——perhaps as a result of increased exercise levels, which could lead to gum disease? At present, there seems little point in allowing your dog‘s natural dentition to develop beyond the first two stages unless you plan to use him/her professionally as a working dog(eg. for police work)or show him/her at obedience events. It might simply prove inconvenient! If you enjoy the convenience of being able to eat out with your pup, however, then I feel justified in doing what needs to be done to maintain my family’s lifestyle. But ultimately, whether you go down the road of tooth extractions lies entirely with each individual owner. You must weigh up carefully how much the change affects your pet and whether it is worth making the effort required to achieve the desired result!


不可以! 狗和人不一样,人类是灵长目动物。人的牙齿分为切牙、尖牙和磨牙三种类型。其中前门有4颗切牙(上下各2),后门8颗牙齿(上下左右后各1)。每颗切牙负责切东西;而每一侧的门牙都是3个,每个门牙上有两个小细牙,分别对应的是“大”字型的门牙上最上面的三个尖牙,也就是下颚的大尖牙。

现在我们知道人了,接下来我们来看狗,它没有像人一样的犬齿。犬齿在犬科里叫獠牙,主要作用是用来撕咬猎物的骨头,用来帮助消化食物。所以如果没到换牙期,最好不要随便给狗拔掉他的犬齿。因为影响他啃骨头呢! 如果已经换了新牙了,就要小心一点了。不要让他自己啃硬的东西,不然会伤害自己的牙床导致发炎甚至更严重的后果哦! 所以千万不要随便拿自己的手给他拔去哦!
